
Lime is a vital natural ingredient in mortar, that holds the building together. Today, lime mortar is used primarily on conservation buildings and has inbuilt resistance to mould.  Just like lime in mortar, LIMe Design Studio is a collaboration between practical and aesthetic, builder and designer, modern technology and natural materials that produces a building project held together within our clients budget.

erica (director)

Erica is the founder and director of LIMe Design after more than 15 years in the architecture and design industry.  She has global experience in commercial, education, retail and high-rise residential projects across Australia, Asia and Middle East.  Erica worked as a Project Architect and Retail Tenancy Designer on major shopping centres, national retail rollouts, high-rise residential and mixed-use development projects including: Masterplanning Refurbishment at Top Ryde Shopping Centre, NSW; Interior Architectural Design and Tenancy Guide for Majura Park Shopping Centre, ACT; and Interior Architecture Design for the American School, Abu Dhabi.  She leads the design studio in creating built environments responsive to specific needs, purpose and budget.

She is currently working towards becoming a building biologist under the Australian College of Environmental Studies, focusing on creating Healthy Homes, Healthy Work, and Healthy Play spaces.  Erica holds both UNSW MArch (Design) and MBEnv (SustDev) degrees and is an Accredited Building Designer (Open Level), Full Member of the Building Designers Association of Australia, and a certified Mould Testing Assessor.  In her spare time, she volunteers twice weekly committing to teach and work with preschoolers, while striving for the better management of her multi-allergy son by creating a healthier built environment and quality diet surrounding him.  

rob (construction consultant)

The LIMe DS consultant, Rob is our NSW licensed builder.  He practices and manages his own residential and commercial construction company.  He offers unique construction solutions to building and maintenance for owners and developers.  LIMe DS consults with Rob occasionally to suit budgets while bringing our design concepts and feasibility into actual construction innovations.  LIMe DS is open to work and consult with interested builders from the concept stage, just reach out to us!

"Build your project upon The Rock."

if any of these rings in you, contact us now, we love to hear from you and your thoughts.